Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bad news, good news.

So I lost my café job. It is a bummer, but I will be able to scrape by for a while until I can at least find something part-time. I am not totally sold on another café job, but the hours were convenient. Except when they weren't. Having to get up at 5:45 every weekday morning was definitely a strain on my social life. I am also not too fond of being on my feet for eight hours straight or doing the same lame tasks ad nauseam. But this is why I am going back to school.

In awesome news, however, we finally got the new website up and running! is officially open for business. Buy some wallpaper or at least pass the link around. Fingers crossed!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I fail so hard at blogging. But at least it is because I have been crazy busy. Since my last post I got an awesome internship working with an amazing designer (Aimée Wilder), and that plus my regular job has been adding up to 12 hour work days. It's totally worth it though. I'm learning so much about both the design process and the business end of things. Aimée is so much fun to work with and is all about collaboration. It's so encouraging and inspiring. I can't wait until her new site is up and we can start selling wallpaper.

I've been trying to do a little freelance stuff on the side as well, but I've stopped hunting for jobs and have only done ones that have come to me (I don't really have the time for the craigslist scene and I don't want to get too bogged down).

Last week I did a flier for Jessie for her Slam Savannah project and another gig flier for Lieberman Management.

For the Slam Savannah flier I liked the action phrases of the copy Jessie sent me and wanted to make them really stand out. I thought about doing something playing off the word "slam," but then decided I wanted to do something more in an old school comic book style. I browsed around the internet looking at stuff like old Action Comics covers and some of the soap opera style newspaper comics (Mary Worth, Rex Morgan MD, etc.). I found some free fonts (DNW Comic Sans) and played around with some filters in Illustrator to get the Benday dot effect.

For the gig flier I ended up going with a similar vibe, but I did it in color and used vintage sewing patterns for inspiration. I was going for a 60s mod/psychedelic look and think it turned out okay. The lettering was a pain in the butt to do, but it was really the central focus of the flier so I couldn't skimp too much.

Now that I've finished both, I'm feeling a little listless, but I have so much to get done for my college applications I can't waste too much time taking a break.