Friday, June 26, 2009

up late

I am finally feeling like I am making some progress on some things. Here is a skull in progress for a project involving some grungy skulls:

Drew it, futzed with in in Photoshop, and then traced it in Illustrator. Too late to write much more now.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

catching up

I am feeling super inspired of late and want to start doing this more frequently. I just got a package from Carlos that included some arty things. First, there was booklet from the Seattle-Tehran Poster Show that featured his No More Poster Giant protest poster:

I love love love his stuff, and it's so good to see it side by side with some other awesome designs. The Seattle end of the show ran last year from August 29 to September 1.

He also sent me a copy of Sketchbooks: The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators and Creatives. It looks amazing, and I can't wait to post more about it after I've had a chance to look through it.

I made a quick birthday card for a friend this Saturday and it went over so well I am thinking of doing a set of blank animal cards.

The original is watercolor and marker on Bristol paper, but if I were to do them as sets to sell, I think that might be too time consuming. If I can manage to get a quality medium format printer sometime soon, I could print them that way onto card stock from scans of the original pieces. I am also toying with the idea of screen or lino prints. As for selling, outside of friends and relations, I only want to sell over the internet. I am not a craft fair kind of person. So etsy or big cartel it is.